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The Point Church is a non-denominational (we like the word “inter-denominational”) church that is rooted in the rich history of the Christian faith. Our core beliefs are:

God: There is only one true God, maker and sustainer of everything. God is Triune: three distinct persons of one same substance; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the ultimate good, the source of life, and the reason all things exist.

The Bible: This collection of 66 books written over a thousand years recounts the story of God's saving activity throughout history, invites us into relationship with God, and serves as the first and final source for Christian morality, life, and hope. The Bible is a complex, challenging book, but in its original writing, it is inspired, without error.

Jesus Christ: Jesus is the eternally Begotten Son, the second person of the Trinity, who became incarnate through the virgin birth and took on a full human nature. Jesus revealed God's full glory to us, ushered in God's kingdom on earth in his ministry, provided the perfect payment and substitution for our sin in his death, and defeated death and hell in his resurrection. He is risen, ascended, and will come again in glory to reign in all eternity.

The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the giver of life and the third person of the Trinity who proceeds from the Father and the Son. The Spirit is given to all believers at salvation, and imparts to them gifts and abilities for the betterment of the Church and the transformation of the world. The Holy Spirit also works within the Christian to conform him or her into the image of Christ.

Humanity: All humans are created by God, for God, and in the image of God. He made us to care for the rest of creation and enjoy relationship with Him and one another. But humans have rebelled against God's plan and now operate according to a "sinful nature" that separates us from God. Even though we are sinful, we are still infinitely valuable and must be treated with love, kindness and compassion.

Sin: Sin is not just an ethical or moral problem. It is a distortion of God's creation and design which warps how we live in relationship with God and others. The problem of sin is universal and shows up in our thoughts, words, and actions. To live apart from God's will brings only death and destruction.

Salvation: Only by trusting in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ can humans be saved from the penalty of sin, given new life, and made part of God's family. Salvation is an act of God's pure grace; undeserved and unearned. When we place our faith in Christ, our dead and sinful nature is raised to new life, and God begins the work of making us more and more like Himself each day.

The Church: All who have been given new life in Christ and follow Him as his disciples make up the universal Church. The Church has been called to bear witness to Christ's Lordship and help people become devoted disciples who work for the healing and transformation of God's creation. Our life together in the local church should reflect the reality of God's kingdom as we live in community and serve the world in the name of Jesus.

Spiritual Gifts: The Holy Spirit is manifested through a variety of spiritual gifts to build and encourage the church, demonstrate the truth of the resurrection, and confirm the power of the Gospel. The biblical lists of these gifts are not exhaustive, and the gifts may occur in various combinations. We believe all these gifts are still operating today where the Church exists and where the Gospel is advancing.

Christ's Return (The second coming): At a day and time unknown, Jesus Christ will physically and visibly return to earth for the second time to establish His kingdom. He will draw His Church to Himself, conquer all sin, death, and suffering, and enact final judgment on the righteous and unrighteous alike. The righteous will reign with Christ for all eternity here on a renewed and restored earth while the unrighteous will exist in separation from God's presence with Satan and the fallen angels. This is our eternal hope and motivation for all the we do until then.

Sacraments: For the encouragement and faith of the Church, God has given us the sacraments of baptism and communion. These are sacraments, in which the grace of God is offered freely to all who would receive them by faith.

Baptism: Once an individual has placed their faith in Christ, he or she should seek to be baptized by immersion, if possible, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Baptism is a symbolic act in which the Christian is identified in the death and resurrection of Christ and God's grace and power are poured into his or her life.

Communion: Communion should be celebrated as often as possible. It is a holy, sacred act in which God's sustaining grace is offered to all who would humbly acknowledge their need for it. Communion symbolizes the body and blood of Christ given for the salvation of all people. The table of the Lord is open to all. At The Point, we use grape juice in sensitivity to anyone who might approach the table.