Who is Jesus and Why Should You Follow Him?

So, you clicked this link because you’re intrigued by the claims of Jesus and you’re interested in finding out what we believe here at The Point Church. Well, we are glad you did and believe that it wasn’t by accident (even if you didn’t mean to hit that button when you did).

Honestly, we love Jesus Christ and believe that He is God-in-the-flesh who came to bring God’s way of life to the earth and the save us from the regretful, hurtful mistakes and choices we make which divide us from God and one another. We believe that He alone rose from the dead to show us that death and evil can never have the final word. And we believe that He is still alive and is seated on the throne of heaven.

If your’e reading this, Jesus is offering you the chance to receive a second chance, forgiveness, and what we call “eternal life”. This life starts the moment you put your life in the hands of Jesus through believing He is who He claimed to be. This life brings purpose, joy, and confidence even as you experience the ups and downs of being a human. This life is a call to die to your old ways, desires, and wishes and follow Jesus to wherever He leads you. And this life will continue even after you die when Jesus returns to set all things right again.

You don’t earn this eternal life by doing enough good stuff, giving money to charity, or going to church on Sundays. And you can’t disqualify yourself from it no matter how bad you think you are. This life is a gift from God that you simply receive by faith. This is what God calls “grace”, and it’s completely free.

When you follow Jesus, you become a Christian. This word originally meant “little-Christ” and was a slur used against the first members of the new Jewish sect in the first century. Eventually, these followers took it as a compliment. But over the years, Christianity has gotten a bad reputation in many parts of the world, especially in the United States and parts of Europe. It’s been viewed as an out-of-date world view that encourages bigotry and judgmental attitudes. In many ways, these views are warranted. We haven’t always done a great job of representing the God we claim to serve. But the truth is, we aren’t perfect once we start following Jesus. We mess up, we make mistakes, and we even continue to give in to the wicked desires within us.

But that’s the point: Christianity isn’t about the Christians. It’s about the Christ who died and rose again to save us. We don’t have some 10 step program or promise for a better life. We don’t have all the answers. But we have Him, and that’s all we need.

You’re invited to join us and Christians around the world in loving, serving, and becoming more like this Jesus. All you have to do is believe that Jesus is Lord of everything and that God raised Him from the dead after He died for us. Once you do that, God will give you a new identity, a new life, and a new purpose. And that purpose is that you would become more like Jesus every day. It won’t be easy. But it’ll be the greatest decision you’ve ever made.

Troy Miller